Sunday, July 19, 2015

Earthquake! - Summer Rerun edition

I remain distracted from the series I was working on.

In this case, the New Yorker ran on article on the expected earthquake in the Pacific Northwest, and it has triggered many other articles, and a lot of people are feeling a bit panicky and thinking of moving.

Well, I would not make the decision to move without serious prayer, but remember, we have known that we are due for a large earthquake here for some time. It's good to think about it, but it would be silly to start freaking out now, mostly because freaking out isn't helpful.

I did an earthquake series in 2008 that I am going to post links to now, and they still contain pretty good advice. There are some new things to consider, and we will do that too, but this week, let's just review the basics.

Before the earthquake:

During the earthquake:

After the earthquake:

If you want to see what has everyone so stirred up, here is the New Yorker article:

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