Sunday, August 25, 2013

Trying something new

I have already indicated that I feel like I am at loose ends with this blog, in a temporary lull before I get ready to start my next project. I have thought about taking a break from it, but that doesn't feel right. A few things have gotten me thinking about what I am going to do.

I was thinking that something I should do with Aaron is to go through the different chapters of Preach My Gospel, and write about them, kind of like we were studying it together. I have sent him a copy already. I think that is what I will blog about, probably doing one chapter per week.

Of course, preparedness has always had a pretty broad definition here, so preparing to share the Gospel with people, and being mentally and spiritually prepared, is fairly reasonable anyway, but that is not the only reason I am doing it.

One is that Aaron's release date is getting closer, and I expect that to be kind of a rough adjustment. Anything we can do to make that easier, and be more prepared, is good.

Two is that it will focus my study a little, and I have been doing some backsliding there, so I believe that adding this component will be beneficial to me.

Three is that yesterday a friend was talking about this feeling of impending doom. She was comparing it to the pre-World War I feeling in Europe, that despite geographic and language boundaries, people in various countries felt like there was something bad inevitably coming. possibly due to a long period of peace leading to a decadence and ease that did not seem like it could last.

She added that a lot of people seem to be getting car kits and things, wanting to be ready. They may joke about the Zombie Apocalypse, but only the zombie part is a joke, and there is still a real fear.

Well, the world is facing some trouble, with economics and environment, and so many problems that don't even seem capable of being fixed. It's not a reason to ignore the environment or education or politics, but the most important things that we do seem to be the things that happen one on one. The most important comfort that we can give, and the most safety, and the most hope, come from the Gospel.

I have always been pretty good about letting people know that I am LDS, and answering questions, and I do that. I also am good about not pushing my beliefs, or only being able to talk about religion, which I believe is very important. Still, there might be room for improvement, and this might be the time for it.

I don't know where it will lead, but I know what I am doing for now. Situation normal.

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