Sunday, September 23, 2018

Your local Prepare Out Loud

This is a quick one, but you may remember that I expressed great enthusiasm for Prepare Out Loud, and interest in their intention to schedule more events in the fall:

There are currently three more scheduled:

September 25th - Portland (Montgomery Park)
September 26th - Gresham (Mt. Hood Community College)
September 27th - Sherwood (Sherwood Center for the Arts)

The addresses, times, and additional information are at the link, if one of these works for you.

I am holding out for one for Beaverton (maybe Hillsboro could work), but my plan is then to make fliers and give them to every neighbor. That means definitely on this block, but it might mean a ways off of the block too. Previously that could have meant an additional dozen or so fliers; now there are some new buildings. I will have to figure out how much effort I can put into it.

What I already know is that the more widespread preparedness is, the better off we all are. It's not just that desperate people might try and take by force, though I know that is one line of thinking. I also know that I would want to help people, but preparing supplies for a whole neighborhood is not practical. I do not have room for that amount of supplies.

It is true that letting someone know about an event does not take them all the way through to preparedness, but if even some percentage of the invited attend, and a percentage of them takes steps, then we are further along. 

It also can ripple out in other ways. Maybe a family on this street comes and makes their own kits, but then at Christmas they give out a few more kits, making inroads into another neighborhood.

We have seen an increasing number of natural disasters. There is a lot that can be prevented, but it can be mitigated. Things can be made much better by neighbors talking to each other and working toward a common goal better.

An interesting and helpful discussion is not a bad way to start.

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