Sunday, October 10, 2021

Specialness overdose

In keeping abreast of former school board candidates, I became aware of Pioneer Heritage Academy.


Although, it does explain a lot.

Interestingly, I know one of the former students (not a graduate) who left a testimonial, He mentions his goal of winning a Pulitzer by 2020. He has not. 

I have seen his writing; he can keep pushing out that goal, but I doubt it will help. 

I know he thinks he is a good writer. That I don't could just be a matter of opinion; reasonable disagreement is possible. However, I have also seen that writing praised profusely.

I also know of church members who talk about how great the youth are: better than other youth not from our church without even trying.

If that only resulted in bad, poorly informed writing that is almost masturbatory in the level of masochistic fantasy, that would be one thing. It is worse than that.

For one thing, trying is always going to be important. Nitpicking every little thing isn't good either, but unadulterated praise does not lead to good results. It dampens the development of talents, increases hubris, and that sense of superiority over those who are not members does not help us as missionaries or community members or in any way.

Yes, we are all special, beloved children of God.

Yes, that is all of us, not just the church members, or the ones from nice neighborhoods, or the ones with lovely singing voices.

That shouldn't be so hard to grasp, and yet I see proof that it is, again and again.

There is a real process of discovery to be undertaken on what the heights of your life should be. 

It is something I think about frequently. I feel like the things I write in my blog are important. I also think it is largely something I do to keep my own thoughts straight so I know what I believe and act accordingly. However, there is still sometimes that question; should I be doing more? Should I attempt to reach more people? Should I choose a different media form?

Sometimes there will be an answer of "not now", and that is fine.

For about four years of my life, the main impact I had was on one woman who was losing her ability to take in or remember any of it. I could do that because I love her, but also because it was confirmed many times that it was where I needed to be.

Often, the most important things we do will be in the service of others. They will not make us famous or rich. Those are temporal rewards anyway; how much should we base our decision on that?

Perhaps the best thing to remember is how President Benson defined pride, as enmity toward God and man.

If I feel superior to you, my heart is not right. 

There may be ways in which I am better than you, and other ways in which you are better than me. I can try and appreciate your good, while also being aware of ways in which you might cause harm. That can all be very loving, and it leaves room for understanding of the ways in which we can do better.

That's my goal. 

It was also my goal in 2020, and will probably still be my goal in 2030. I hope I will be closer, but I will still not be all the way there.

That is also fine.

I feel that this post somehow relates:

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