Sunday, November 22, 2020


I have been struggling with bad impulses.

President Nelson has encouraged members to post about their gratitude, using the hash tag #givethanks.

I have no good reason for reacting the way I did, but I was tempted to only give thanks for very liberal things: Biden's victory, Planned Parenthood, Governor Kate Brown's leadership, and people who wear masks (though that one should not be specifically liberal).

I have not done that because I know that even if my gratitude would be sincere, I would be doing it to annoy people. That would not be a good purpose. I have seen some very touching things posted, and I have even liked some (literally pressing the "Like" button on Facebook).

My first problem is my thinking that this is not the problem. There are definitely things that are good about noting the blessings in your life and feeling grateful. It is something I believe in and do. However...

1. I am not sure that it is the most helpful remedy for this moment.

2. The kinds of gratitude posts that are most frequently shared often have a way of making other people feel inadequate and left behind.

Mind you, social media in general has that effect on a lot of people. I don't think it should, and there are a lot of factors that go into that, but it is a real thing.

The pandemic has increased isolation, which is hard on mental and emotional health. That is increased by the toll that grief is taking on those who have lost family members, plus the physical health problems that many have experienced and continue to experience. In addition, many people are struggling financially.

Even in times of great difficulty there are things to be grateful for. It is good to remember those, but this really seems like a good time to give actual, tangible aid. I don't have a lot of money to give right now, but the Church does. That could be really great. 

I could write another letter, but they still haven't answered the first one.

I did watch the video. It was not a terrible talk or prayer. I just know there could be more. I want there to be more.

I am not going to be posting with the hash tag. I will add requests for healing to my prayers. On a personal level, I have been working on healing anyway.

(I wish I could say that was all emotional and mental, but I have had a cold for the past four days. I am more aware than ever how much worse illness can be than the common cold, but it is still not fun.)

Otherwise, in the things that I am feeling to do, it is mostly reaching out to other people. #RememberSeptember did have a hash tag, and was something I felt led to do. Recently we sent out some holiday cards, and I know that at least two of them meant a lot to the recipients. They were not people I would have automatically thought of. 

I am being led toward something else now that I should be starting soon. It also seems worth saying that I did not just get the ideas for things to do and how automatically. For #RememberSeptember, I went over my entire Facebook friends list twice. For the cards, I went over the ward directory. There is some guidance to start, but then more is sought along the way. 

Counting your blessings can cheer you up, but so can serving other people. That may cheer them up too.

Just something to think about before they start telling us to light the world.

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