Sunday, October 5, 2014

Taking the sacrament

It is General Conference weekend. Twice a year in my church we have two days of talks from our leaders, and they will later be printed in a magazine, but also available on line.

Since there is already so much to listen to and think about out there, I don't want to add very much.

I usually get more out of reading than listening, and as I write this there is still one session left, so my impressions could change. Knowing that, I say that the dominant theme of this conference has been the emphasis on taking the sacrament.

At first I was surprised, but it is striking me as more and more perfect.

One thought I had with the last conference is that no matter how much you might want some things said, so that some people will hear them, that doesn't work. If the person is not ready to hear it, they won't. If you are ready to hear something, and you are listening, you will  hear it, even if it is not said.

I think about that because the thing that worries me most about church members is the growing hard-heartedness. Yes, it is more to the point to worry about myself, but I do see things that worry me in other people, and that is one.

"And because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold." Matthew 24:12

It's easy to read descriptions of the Last Days and think that they apply to people outside of the church, but that would be pretty short-sighted.

So I think about that, and about people who know the truth, but they get so busy judging the lives of others that they forget to love them, and foolish virgins and sheep and goats, and I worry, but the sacrament is the best remedy for that.

It is a time to reflect on ourselves. How am I doing? How could I be better?

It is a time to feel humility and seek forgiveness.

It is a time to listen for the messages we need to hear.

It is a time of heart softening, and we can have it every week.

Having church leaders called of God is a wonderful thing, but even if we are not acting as leaders at a given moment, we are still called. It is important to regular take time to hear Him calling.

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