Sunday, February 18, 2024


I am very sad and angry today.

I am going to write about that Tuesday, on the main blog. It does still influence my thoughts today.

What I have been writing previously relates to our having a loving Father in Heaven, and that the more we know about the revealed plan of salvation, then the love and the logic unfolds. 

That includes the existence of suffering and people being terrible, but what I must not neglect to mention is that it hurts. 

The pain is real.

Going through it is hard.

That is the pain of living, and the pain of living as others die.

Does having perspective on that make it easier?

Ultimately, in some ways it does, but it still hurts a lot.

That pain can make you more compassionate, or it can make you resentful and cruel.

That may not feel like a choice, but it is and it's a choice that is vitally important.

Justice and mercy both get satisfied, and healing happens. Eventually.

Hold on to love.



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